
band bandit berlin
gold, smiling face, UNI COLORS, double wrapped, different colors

band bandit berlin
Charity, Herz - gemeinsam heilen - NEW

band bandit berlin
gold and silver, smiling face, MULTICOLOUR, double wrapped, different colors

band bandit berlin
Mobile phone chain short, smiley face plastic, silver - with insert plate

band bandit berlin
Heart brushed UNI COLORS, in gold and silver

band bandit berlin
Flugzeug , einfach gewickelt

band bandit berlin
Haargummi, Happy Face, doppelt

band bandit berlin
elastisches Band, verstellbar, mit Edelstahlstopper
From €5,00

band bandit berlin
Engraving, heart gold/silver

band bandit berlin
Lederarmband, Limited Edition

band bandit berlin
Bracelet, links, smiley face

band bandit berlin
seabreeze, starfish/shell, various colors