band bandit berlin
gold, smiling face, UNI COLORS, double wrapped, different colors
band bandit berlin
gold and silver, smiling face, MULTICOLOUR, double wrapped, different colors
band bandit berlin
Heart brushed UNI COLORS, in gold and silver
band bandit berlin
Flugzeug , einfach gewickelt
band bandit berlin
Lederarmband, Limited Edition
band bandit berlin
Engraving, heart gold/silver
band bandit berlin
Bracelet, links, smiley face
band bandit berlin
gold, smiling face, ONE COLOR, simply wrapped, different colors
band bandit berlin
seabreeze, starfish/shell, various colors
band bandit berlin
Flugzeug, doppelt gewickelt
band bandit berlin
GLITZER - Charity, Smiling Face, doppelt gewickelt, SALE
band bandit berlin
Flugzeug, Laserschnitt, doppelt gewickelt